Wind-Wolf Argumentative Essay

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This world has a variety of cultures, but most of them do not share any similarities. All cultures are based on belief. An individual’s culture shapes their view of the world, and often, they expect all cultures to mirror their own. When it turns out that everyone’s beliefs are not alike, conflict starts to arise between cultures.
Everyone has the right to choose what they believe in but they cannot force someone else to follow their footsteps. Culture is the beliefs and characteristics of a particular group. People see the world in a certain way and their culture plays a huge role in this. “Wind-Wolf was not prepared for his first tentative foray into your world, neither were you [teacher of Wind-Wolf] appreciative of his culture” (Lake). Not appreciating someone’s culture is equivalent to disrespecting them. “Being proud of race, heritage, and culture” holds much importance because it makes up the backbone in everyone’s life (Lake). Wind-Wolf, in An Indian Father’s Plea, is such an amazing child because he believed in his culture and never stopped following it. Even though his teacher did not support what he believed …show more content…

O-lan, from The Good Earth, gets treated terribly and does not have the power to say or do anything. She proves that the Chinese culture treats their women with no respect. This will contradict with many other cultures and can cause lots of conflicts. Most cultures believe that women should be treated justly and fair. If they came upon such cruelty done in the Chinese culture, a lot more than arguments would arise. After giving birth, O-lan “worked all day” and “the child lay on an old torn quilt” (Buck 40). The Chinese culture expects their women to work all day and give birth to many children, therefore, they expect families from other cultures to also have large families. Since all cultures do not have the same beliefs, the view of the world will differ from person to

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