Willy Russell's Main Intention in Our Day Out

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Willy Russell's Main Intention in Our Day Out I think Willy Russell's main message is about the treatment difference between classes compared to each other, he discusses his point in a humorous and comic approach. He does this to attract and draw attention his attention and as he does this the viewer will get influenced to his aim and therefore will do what he is told. I think Russell is trying to show us about class in the play that the surroundings the children live in are very deprived, depressed and inadequate. I believe that when the children are together and insult each other, that's were I think they mostly get their rude behaviour from or from boys who want to act like men and show off in front of their mates by smoking cigarettes. "Sir, he's thick", "Sir, he's nuts", "Go on … gis a ciggy" I believe that them being in the Progress Class influences the way they behave and this is because they are not wise enough to be aware and conscious that they are doing something inappropriate or unsuitable. This was shown when Linda was arguing with Mr. Briggs, and Linda replies "What have I said? I haven't said nott'n yet, have I?" This shows that when she was rude and discourteous to Mr. Briggs she didn't realise that she was. When Mr. Briggs called her she didn't even look up. Then she was chewing, contemptuously and disrespectfully and didn't realise about that also. I think she had developed this attitude of contemptuousness and disrespectfulness to show Mr. Briggs that she doesn't care and that if he treated her like this she will stay in this same attitude. The children also show how much they hate their place because of its dirty, scruffy and shabby set, everybody wanted to stay in the beach for more time and even not leave from there, where also Carol was prepared to jump off the cliff-top but not go home. "I've told you. Leave me alone and I won't jump. I wanna stay here where it's nice.

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