William Shakespeare Research Paper

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William Shakespeare was the son of John Shakespeare and Mary Arden, and was the third born of eight children. William Shakespeare married young into a wealthy family. Shakespeare is acknowledged as “the greatest of English writers”. (Encyclopedia of World Biography). One of the reasons he is considered a great writer is because William Shakespeare is able to show human emotion and conflict in the writings, which were partly influenced by his personal life. Shakespeare is not only a poet, but a dramatist, playwright, actor, and so much more. William Shakespeare was also inspired and influenced by the world, as Shakespeare often mentioned nature,specifically birds in the plays. (manythings). The sonnets are what Shakespeare is best known for. …show more content…

(Bio A&E Television) John Shakespeare, Shakespeare’s father, was a wealthy businessman that worked with trades like leather tanning and glove making. John also held civic positions throughout his life, as an alderman and later a bailiff. William Shakespeare had seven siblings, three of those siblings died at young ages.(123helpme43941) John was a successful and important man for a while, around the year 1570 until he lost the civic position,power and his fortune.(Bio. A&E Television). Due to his fathers losses William was forced to leave school at approximately the age of 15 to help his father support their family. (123helpme96903) At the age of 18 Shakespeare met Anne Hathaway a girl from a small village on the outskirts of Stratford-upon-Avon, and began a courtship and married soon after for moral …show more content…

(Shakespeare online)The sonnets which are exactly fourteen lines, three groups of four lines that contain the subject or problem which is resolved in the last two lines. One of Shakespeare’s most popular sonnets is Sonnet 18 “Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day”, (Shakespeare online) where it is believed that Shakespeare is referring to Anne Hathaway his wife. Shakespeare compares love to a summer day and how everything that is beautiful in nature eventually dies, but Anne’s beauty will never fade. (Galegroup) The sonnets are still memorized and read by many people

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