William Baker Organised Greek

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Overall, this article was written to inform readers about how the ancient Olympics were set up back in ancient Greece.William J. Baker is the author of the article titled, “Organized Greek Games.” Baker is a history professor at the University of Maine at Orono. Furthermore, Baker is well-known for his studies in the history of western civilization sports. This indicates that Baker was more than qualified to write the article. The author organized his article in chronological order that way it would be easier to understand the events that lead up to the evolution of the games. Overall, there were no errors because of how the article was organized. The author did not include any footnotes throughout the entire article. In addition, Baker left out a bibliography at the end of the article. However, because of how simple the article was organized, the need for a footnote or bibliography was unnecessary for readers. The article was entirely free from any prejudiced ideas. In the beginning of the article, the author only used adjectives to describe the climate and setting of ancient Greece and not his opinions (Baker, p. 59). The article did not show any evidence of being a propaganda. The article article only had evidence of the ancient Olympic games. …show more content…

One of the main topics discussed in various history courses are the Greeks. This article goes a step further into the Greek culture by discussing lengthy about the importance of the Olympics (Baker, p. 59). In addition, Baker brings in other historical topics to help justify the ancient Greek Olympics. Baker does this by explaining how the Greeks were not the only ones who interest in sports. He does this by elaborating how the World Cup and the Super Bowl were important to modern day societies (Baker, p. 59). The article also provided numerous dates, which are crucial when it comes to discussing about historical

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