Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow Meaning

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During the mid 1950s, a genre called doo-wop, a type of R&B, became popular among urban, African American communities along with the young audience. The genre involved girl groups using close harmony singing my mainly young singers. Girl groups emerged to provide a voice for an audience who had often been left voiceless-- young women, particularly African American--in a male dominated industry. It is also important to note that during this time, the pharmaceutical advancement, contraceptives, in American society coincided with the rise of Second Wave Feminism revolving around women in the workplace and in the bedroom. For the first time, the girls had the choice of sex which gave them a chance to go against the societal norms. “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow” is a prime example of acting on one’s sexual desires in contrast to conforming to a traditional societal role. This song focuses specifically on this issue of the “morning after” and what the singer’s partner will think of them. Through lines like “Is this a lasting treasure / Or just a moment’s pleasure?” and “But will my heart be broken / When the night meets the morning sun?”, Goffin and King express the trepidation,anxiety, and insecurities over acting on one’s lust. While on one level, the singer is questioning what her boyfriend will think of her after …show more content…

In Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow has one main voice singing to the central lyrics while there are other girls singing to support the chorus and sometime in a different melody which creates the polyphonic texture. On the other hand, I Feel the Earth Move is homophonic because King is the only one singing along with her instrumental melody in the background. However, King sings it in a way that does not feel as the sound is thin because of her powerful roaring

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