Why the U.S Legal Drinking Age should be Lowered to eighteen

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never enter any night clubs unless you reached the adult age. In some parts of Australia, they prohibit eighteen years old from purchasing, consuming, or even be found in possession of alcohol outside of a private home. But all these things the kids can't do when there's parent or guardian with them but as long as either one is present then they can and have the permission to drink and consume alcohol Dr. Ruth Engs, a professor of Applies Health Sciences at Indiana University in Bloomington had an interview with Dr. Hanson from the State University of New York about lowering the drinking age. In the article, Dr. Hanson asked Dr. Ruth to explain her proposal to the idea of lowering the drinking age, why it should be lowered and how it's going to work or solve the problem. According to Dr. Ruth, she proposed in her interview that the drinking age should be lowered to "permit those of legal age to consume in socially controlled environment such as restaurants and official school and university functions." Nothing has improved yet with the law according to legal age drinking and kids have been doing a lot of illegal stuff before they even reached the legal age. When it comes to drinking, more are being involved in binge drinking. Whenever they get the chance, they don't drink to chill or enjoy the moment but the thought of getting drunk and wasted. They tend to gulp alcohol in large quantities on occasions when they could obtain it. Martinez 12 One reason why kids are misbehaving themselves when it comes to the consumption of alcohol is because of what they see from their parents. Children watch t... ... middle of paper ... ...ould do the same thing too. Not only that it teaches their kids a lesson about drinking in a responsible manner but also when they grow up they would understand how to control their behaviors when they're around alcohol. Because American young adults have the right to almost do anything legal in the United States, they will have that mindset that they can do whatever which involves drinking. No matter how much the government is enforcing the underage drinking law every day, it will never change the fact that most kids will be drinking at an early age and the fact that whenever they get the chance when around alcohol they will take that chance and will drink as much as possible, not to have fun but to get drunk. So, if other countries isn't having problems with their kids drinking at such a young age, I don't see why Americans can do the same thing and learn from it.

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