Why You Should Not Be Allowed In High School

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I believe in doing things no matter how bad you are at them. Every kid has quit that kindergarten sports team after not being placed in the “advanced” group a few years later. We can relate to the instrument lessons we stopped when we realized we would never be that four-year-old prodigy from YouTube, or the Girl Scout troop we joined in elementary school before accepting we would never be the highest cookie-seller. As children grow up, they are hesitant to try new things because they worry it’s too late to succeed at them. For high schoolers today, everything is all about winning - about being the best striker on the team or the student who gets the solo in the orchestra. We try to excel at what we do to impress coaches or friends, or even ourselves. Whatever happened to just doing things for fun and not letting your lack of talent at something stop you from enjoying it? …show more content…

My once-a-week cram-practicing and shameless mistakes at recitals make it seem like I don’t care. I don’t let myself stress about competitions and I don’t win them. I’m never going to be that kid with a shelf of piano trophies motivating me to practice more. But to be honest, I don’t think those other kids that practice hours a day to win competitions get the simple pleasure out of playing piano that I do. I don’t mean to say that if you really love something, you shouldn’t try your hardest to excel at it. And when you put in your one-hundred percent, there comes stress or disappointment when you don’t succeed. But everyone needs that one activity or hobby that they do not because they feel the need to be the best at it, but because they genuinely enjoy it. This is what piano is for me; I want to improve, but I won’t pressure myself to be better to the point where it isn’t fun

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