Why Weimar Germany Adopted a Policy of Fulfillment in Foreign Affairs

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Why Weimar Germany Adopted a Policy of Fulfillment in Foreign Affairs At first, successive German governments wanted * To remedy the dangerous diplomatic isolation that resulted from defeat, and * To restore the degree of national independence of Germany lost to the allies This was done using a simple tactic called sullen obstruction in which: * The war guilt clause in the treaty was never really enforced effectively * The disbanding of paramilitary organizations was slow and unreliable * The clauses relating to disarmament were implemented only under constant allied supervision These policies, however, didn’t really work for a long time. Therefore, when Joseph Wirth became chancellor, he started a policy called Erfullingspolitik[1], which was to co-operate with the allies. The reasons to adopt this policy was: * To encourage future allied leniency towards Germany, and * To solve the problem of diplomatic isolation ü The Treaty of Rapallo signed ...

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