Why We Should Not Be Held At Different Gender Standards

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Men have been known to be dependable, and strong. Women on the other hand have been associated with frailty and submission. However, with the current integration of so many social topics, such as same sex and traditional couples; men and women should not be held at different standards or viewed differently because of their sex.
Society’s main issue with the distinction of the two sexes is men being praised by women, and women having to abide to the rules society have set forth to please men. A woman can not present herself as too sexy or too conservative. When a woman does depict herself as too sexy (a lot of skin exposed,tight fitting clothing, or too much makeup, or having many sexual partners), other people use derogatory words that describe …show more content…

I personally prefer to wear less revealing, loose clothing, but that doesn’t make me a prude. A woman should not have to dress to please anyone but herself, yet society has made her believe she has to dress or look like societies perfect model of a woman. According to current boundaries society has set; a woman has to have a small waist, big hips and bust, flat stomach, perfectly done makeup, hair, eyebrows, and shaven. A woman must meet these standards daily. However, society doesn’t take into accountability that this lifestyle of maintaining a perfect appearance can be costly and time consuming. Should a woman not complete this daily routine, she is bashed for not caring about her appearance or accused of being unhygienic. Women begin to become insecure or fall into a depression, because they don’t believe they’re pretty enough, causing them to dress and act differently to gain approval from the people around her. Meanwhile a man is praised for having unruly hair, little to no clothing, and not shaving. He’s then considered rugged and sexy, labeling him as a bad boy and desireable. If it is not unhygienic for men to have body hair, then it should not be unhygienic for women. It is completely natural for women to have body hair, and it is the woman’s decision to shave or not …show more content…

A woman can not have multiple sexual partners but can not be virgins forever. Yet a man can have as many women in his bed as he pleases. A majority of people, mostly men, believe that it is a woman’s job to tend to a man’s sexual desires. Which leads to the issue of consent. The rape of women has been a reoccurring issue in society, it’s mostly among younger women in college. There have been instances where a woman goes to a male police officer to make a rape claim and he ask what she was wearing or if she was under the influence that night. It should not matter what she was wearing or had done that night, if a woman says no it means consent was not given. Another excuse is when a man accused of rape says ,”she was asking for it”. No woman has ever asked to be emotionally broken down, physically violated, and then blamed for being attacked. She will never fully recover, she will always look over her shoulder in dark places, avoid parties, and get anxious when she is alone with a man. Society has not taken steps to prevent a man raping a woman and instead have taught a woman to defend herself, implying if she doesn’t properly defend herself, it is her fault. A parent should not have to tell their daughter to hold her keys in between her fingers and carry pepper spray, just to walk to her car. Instead men should be taught to respect woman’s right to giving or denying consent, not to make excuses as to why he

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