Why We Should Get Paid Vacation

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We all dream of the day when we can put aside our clipboards, kick our shoes off, our feet up, and close our eyes with nothing but the sounds of the waves crashing and the feeling of the warm sun beating down on our goose bumped bodies. For many, the thought of a vacation sounds relaxing. However, most people are not given the opportunity to take one. Recent debates show that more people than ever before are now fighting for their right to a paid vacation. Workers in any industry should be granted with paid vacation each year because it brings forth quality time with friends and family, provides good stress relief, and will reduce the possibility of becoming burnt-out and unhealthy. “Time off is medicine” (Robinson, Joe). Because there is …show more content…

The body is designed to respond to short bursts of stress, but when stress is prolonged… the situation turns into one of chronic stress, where the real health problems begin to set in. Obviously, we feel less stress when we are not in a stressful environment. Vacations bring more than that; they interrupt the cycle of stress that can lead to overwhelm. Taking a vacation is more important than many people realize” (Scott, Elizabeth). The United States is one of the very few countries that does not guarantee paid vacations. “You would think something like the topic of paid vacation would be a no-brainer to companies, but unfortunately it’s not. As advanced as the United States is, we seriously lag behind other countries around the world where it counts” (Peart, Tanveir). Some people are against, and others are for this. No matter the side, both have their own arguments as to why they should or should not receive paid vacations. Some believe there is not enough time for a vacation and there is just too much to do while others say the time off work would do them well. “Close to one in four Americans don’t receive paid time off. For those who enjoy numbers, that translates to roughly twenty-six million people in the work force who can’t take a vacation” (Peart, Tanveir). “In European countries, vacations are incorporated in their laws. These include Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. Employers are …show more content…

By taking time away from work, you allow your body to rejuvenate, as well as, repair itself inside and out. A good vacation can make you feel your best while making you look your best. Even if you can’t get away for a whole week, try a few days or a weekend when you are not busy. “Vacations, whatever form they take, are a chance to unwind, regroup, and take a step back to examine your life from a new place with a new perspective” (IBT STAFF REPORT). They are essential for everyone, and they are just as important as everything else you do in your life. They can also reduce many risks you may have. When you return, your work habits will be much better and you will be able to concentrate easier. “Studies show that vacations are as important as watching your cholesterol or getting exercise. A study earlier this year showed how vacations boost energy reserves so that you need less effort to get work done when you return. Maybe most importantly of all, a vacation can make up for the toll working puts on your heart. An annual holiday can cut the risk of a heart attack in men by thirty percent and in women by fifty percent,” (Robinson, Joe). Just as vacations can improve your health, the lack of them can affect it just as

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