Why The Loggers Cutting Down The Amazon Rainforests

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Amazon Rain Forest Essay Did you know about the loggers that are cutting down the Amazon rainforest for the sake of you and other people? Wwho are the loggers? The loggers think that we should cut down the rainforest for paper and other useful materials. Yyou might think trees are not important but they are.There are some negative things about the loggers. The loggers have been around since the 1960s and cut down hundreds of trees. know you should know some fast facts on the Amazon rainforest and the loggers that work there. Who are the loggers? The loggers are people that are cutting down the rainforest for materials to use for almost anything you want.loggers want all types of wood. Loggers use the trees for many different reasons and purposes.Like paper to write on and,houses to live in,tables,tools,building,doors and so many more different reasons that i can't even name.Loggers don't just cut trees down for any purpose they do it for you.If you don't know trees are more important to you than you think.they put a roof over our head and make paper to write on.Most of this happen because the loggers cut them down so dont think of this as a bad thing all of the time. …show more content…

now you know something about the loggers and that they are important and make a difference for some of

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