Why Tests Are The Most Important Careers

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A test can be defined as a procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of something, especially before it is taken into widespread use. As a society, people are tested at every stage in life whether it be a written or a practical exam. Since our first year in an educational institution, we are tested at least once a week for every subject we study. We continue these vital practices of testing all the way through schooling into lifetime careers. Testing is a way for the teacher or other higher position to assess the level of skill and mastery one has over a given material. This task is important to determine if the person is qualified for the next step or a next career. Arguably, the most important careers require …show more content…

They are mandated to face every day knowing their actions directly affect their constituents and are constantly questioning law after law, accusation after accusation. They work with these ideas knowing with one wrong decision, thousands of lives could be put at risk. This level of power and responsibility eventually effects the person’s decision making. This constant cycle of life altering issue after issue can lose meaning and importance to the person constantly dealing in these matters. Although losing interest may have its benefits, the negatives greatly out way any positives. Politicians do not see the importance of every matter because they deal with too many, therefore they lose sight in the relevance of the people behind each …show more content…

Other than campaign questions and strategic campaign strategy, no real tests exist. In order to be an effective participant, one must have factual evidence and advanced insight. Too frequently a politician debates on a particular topic knowing next to nothing about it, meanwhile many lives are riding on the desiscion that comes of this conversation. For example, an Idaho state representative debated on the important bill that would ban doctors from prescribing abortion-inducing medication. This woman asked the doctor on record if it would be feasible for a woman to swallow a camera for the doctors to perform a remote gynecological exam. The doctor, Julie Marsden, responded to the state rep. that that would be impossible seeing swallowed pills do not go anywhere near the area they would need. It is important to note the state representative sits on the board of a crisis pregnancy center. This is just one example of the many explaining politicians lack of knowledge in areas where they are supposed to have the most. It is unjust for every single person who is remotely affected by debates like this because no valid argument was made either in defense or in offense to their argument. Taking a written test ensures all parties that a just debate will be

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