Why Teenagers Should Not Have Curfew Laws

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Curfew laws are punishing to innocent teenagers that have done nothing wrong. Due to these curfew laws teenagers in society today can start of as a normal student, and within a split second turn into a criminal on the street due to our curfew laws. Not only are they being called criminals, they also are being punished by not being able to attend extracurricular activities after school because of their curfew. Curfew laws also limit job opportunities for teenagers who could really use extra cash for their families who may be struggling. That being said, curfew laws limit and punish innocent teenagers who have done nothing wrong.
There are numerous reasons why teenagers should not have curfews the main reason being many teenagers are involved …show more content…

Many parents, teachers, or any adult would argue that this is when teenagers cause the most trouble, when there out late at night with their friends. However, that is not the case Janet Ford, a university administrator, and Richard D. Sutphen, a professor at the University of Kentucky, point out, “approximately 57 percent of all violent juvenile crime occurs on school days; 20 percent of it occurs between 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.” So, actually curfew laws have not limited the crimes that are being committed, and it shows that most of the crimes go on during the day. So why are we still have curfew laws? We are still having curfew laws because adults truly believe that all kids are a threat to society. Which is not the case, Rick McDevitt, Georgia Alliance President for kids, states, “I would say 80 to 90 percent of the kids out there are good kids. To pass a law that targets the 15 to 20 percent unfairly penalizes the other kids who are getting out of a movie late.” (Rick McDevitt.) Rick McDevitt made an excellent point in questioning why we are punishing almost 90 percent of kids when it’s only 15 to 20 percent making the wrong choices. That being it’s not fair to punish innocent teenagers who have done nothing wrong just because there peers are making the wrong

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