Why Surveillance Is Important

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If you have the need to place someone under surveillance, you may be tempted to do the work yourself. In the modern world of portable electronic devices, such as smartphones, it may be tempting, but placing a suspect under surveillance is a job better left to professionals. The following are four reasons you should not do this work yourself. Knowing the best place to for surveillance It is a complete waste of time, money and other resources to simply follow someone around in the hope that you will observe certain suspected behaviors. There will be places more likely than others that will yield the best chance of verifying this information. Getting the best video evidence is likely to happen when you wait for the person to come to you. A video surveillance operation can be set up in a particular place, and then it is only a matter of being patient. However, knowing when and where to do this takes both skill and experience. A professional investigation firm, such as ours, can eliminate many of the dead-end roads that an amateur is sure to pursue. We can concentrate on the time and place that will likely produce answers to the questions you have. Using the right equipment There is a variety of equipment that can be used for a subrosa investigation, and you need to be …show more content…

As a professional private investigation firm we have the knowledge of what can and cannot be done. We know when and where people can be observed as well as the legal aspects of recording them. If you attempt to do this yourself, it is easy to cross over the legal line. This is especially true if you observe the behavior that is the evidence that supports your legal claim. Unfortunately for you, if this was recorded illegally, it will be worthless in court, and this may be the least of your problems. You can face both criminal charges and a civil law suit when you violate a person's

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