Why Students Drop Away From High School

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Over 1.2 million teenagers drop out of high school each year (https://www.dosomething.org/facts/11-facts-about-high-school-dropout-rates). When a teenager drops out of school, it is very hard for the student to go back. Even if the student decides to go back to school and maybe attend college, he/she will be set back and have to relearn some of the material he/she learned before they dropped out. The returning student will also find it hard to deal with the work load after having no work or discipline for the time they weren't attending school. Graduating from high school is important because it helps teens to get better learning opportunities, a better job with a better salary, and additional incentives. First, getting a high school diploma provides better lifetime opportunities. To begin, college is a huge lifetime opportunity, and in order to attend college, students will need a high school diploma. College can be very difficult, high school prepares the student for the long journey they have ahead of him/her. Graduating from high school also helps the graduate to stay out of trouble because he/she …show more content…

Being a role model for the younger generation is very important since they are the future. If one graduates, younger sisters and brothers of the graduate will look up at the graduate as a role model and want to be like them. Having good health insurance is important. Jobs that don't require a high school diploma will most likely not provide good health insurance to their employees. Getting a good job with a high school diploma will probably provide good health insurance. Having a good self-esteem is very important and graduating from high school can help a young person to feel good about his/herself. The student will look back at graduating as an achievement and will most likely be more motivated throughout his/her life. These are all very good perks of getting a high school

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