Why Social Media Is Bad

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Image you post something that was really embarrassing and you regret it and you may get in trouble for and you try to delete it but everybody knows that once you post something on the internet it's all there.The main points why social media is bad to have is cyber bullying,people post stuff without thinking about the outcome of it,and people keep making fake profiles so they think that they are people.These are some of the reasons why people think that social media is bad for people. The first reason why people think that social media is bad is the many cyber bullies that keeps going on.According to dictionary.com cyber bullying is defined as "the act of harassing someone online by sending or posting mean messages, usually anonymously".For example when people post a picture of you and it's an embarrassing one.Then people start to make fun of you because the picture got out in the first place.Now they are saying mean comments like your ugly,etc.Sometimes this makes people depressed and being depressed is the worst thing that can ever have happened to you as some people told me.This reason why people hate when they get cyber bullied.If,you ever ask a person that ever got cyber bullied in the past they …show more content…

5, 2012 false rumors of fires, shoot-outs, and caravans of gunmen in a Mexico City suburb spread via Twitter and Facebook caused panic, flooded the local police department with over 3,000 phone calls, and temporarily closed schools".These are some of the reasons that people can spread fake new over the Internet if it wasn't for social this would've of never happened.The example that I found was that Facebook has so many fake news sources that the are starting to fight back against the fake news sources.These were some reason why the social media was

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