Why Soccer Is Important To Me Essay

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Many families enjoy going to sport events together. That is, if the Dad likes sports(*wink wink*). A sports game is a place where many different families go in to watch as one family. But as soon as the game starts, it’s not many different families watching the game, it’s one big giant family. Out of all the soccer matches that me and my family have been to, one match stood out than the others. From that one match, I learned a valuable lesson that is a rule that would apply to me, and everyone else, for the rest of their lives. Now, our family’s favorite K-League team just made it to the cup finals and it was a big deal for all the fans considering this was the team’s first time ever making it to the finals. I remember our family celebrating like we had just won the Korean lottery when our team beat their rivals in the semi-finals. We immediately got our tickets for the final game so we could get good seats when the time came. All my Korean friends were jealous that I got to go to the final game and they couldn’t (of course, it was because their team never MADE it to the finals). But out of the family, I was the most excited one to go to the game, especially because I was actually the only one to physically play soccer. …show more content…

The game was a little ways away from our home so we had to pack some extra food and of course, all of the team’s gear that we had. We finally left the house and by the time we got there, it was about an hour and a half before the game started. We took pictures in front of the stadium, you know, what all families do when they do these kinds of things. After that, it was finally time to go into the stadium. As we were going in, I heard a thump noise behind me so I looked back. There was a man about 60 years of age who had fallen on the ground with a cane gripped to his hand. I quickly went to the elder and tried to give a helping

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