Why Should Animal Testing Be Stopped

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Animal Testing “I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being.” This quote by Abraham Lincoln is the perfect example of how we should treat animals. We should not use them as test dummies to make sure that a mascara doesn’t hurt our eyes. We shouldn’t put a cleaning spray, such as Windex, on a poor, innocent rabbit just to make sure it doesn’t burn our skin. And we definitely should not put makeup remover into a harmless animals eyes to make sure it doesn’t blind us. These are just three of the thousands of products that are tested on animals daily. Animal testing is not only unfair to the animals who have done nothing wrong, but also very unnecessary and unreasonable. One reason why animal testing should be stopped is because it is killing many harmless animals that would otherwise have a happy and healthy life. Shockingly, each year more than 100 million animals are killed in laboratories due to animal testing. This clearly is not the way to test human products. Also, many tests done on animals are simply undertaken because of the lack of curiosity. A scientist might be curious about an animal test one day, and then the next completely lose interest. This is usually because the experiment will either take too Most animals that are tested on don’t respond the same way to drugs as humans do. According to peta.org, more than 12 billion taxpayer dollars are wasted yearly on animal testing. Human tissue testing is not even half the cost of animal testing and is accurate 95% of the time. With the money that we would save from animal testing, we could hire over 300,000 teachers to help educate America’s youth, according to peta.org. Clearly, there are much better things that we could do with our money than harm animals. Animal testing is not the ideal way to test human

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