Why Shame Won T Stop Obesity

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I believe we are the only ones that can determine how we eat, how much we eat, and what we eat. As a society we would want to have full control of our food and I believe their should be some laws or regulations to govern our size of portions in food. I also believe that some companies should change their ways by making their food more nutritious to the consumers. If there is such thing as “healthy readily foods” then their should be more of it. In the three articles “The Business Case for Healthier Food Options by Michelle Obama, “Downsizing Supersize” by James Surowieki, and “Why Shame Won't Stop Obesity” by Dhruv Khullar all talk about obesity and how we can change from it happening to the people in our country. In the article “The Business …show more content…

I believe this ad campaign can help parents recognize and fight childhood obesity. It may take a while for the parents to acknowledge the problem with some children, but after they recognize the problem it won't take long to start dealing with it. Khullar thinks that “Shaming children and parents into losing weight is unlikely to be an effective strategy” ( ). Khullar has a point that it can shame children and parents and make it even more difficult for them to lose weight. Khullar feels that the issue is partly one of social justice for the poor because the poor have trouble purchasing healthier foods. Take Khullar example if someone is low on income and only has $10 to purchase 2000 calories worth of food; that somebody will probably end up going to McDonald because they have trouble purchasing something healthier ( ). Something he suggest for fighting childhood obesity is to “educate and empower the youth to make informed decisions” ( ). I agree with what Khullar is trying to suggest. We need to educate the youth so they can know exactly what they are consuming and what it's doing to their bodies. One idea that I have is parents need to encourage children to go out and exercise. One way they can achieve this is by minimizing the time children get to use their phone and gaming systems. Khullar addresses and expresses his ideas to stop obesity in our country. He argues many things about it, but in the end you can't force people to be healthy only they can decide for

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