Why Plagiarism Is Wrong

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Thesis- plagiarism is not only morally wrong but it is illegal, the practice of plagiarism can result in severe consequences.

As the years have gone buy, it has become easier and easier to commit theft, to rob a bank a century ago involved a lot more planning and hard work than it does today. Now in our ever so advanced world it is possible to rob a bank from a mere laptop. How does this comparison have anything to do with today’s topic? Well, in times past it would have been substantially more difficult to plagiarize given everything would have had to be copied by hand. However, what was then an arduous task has now been made easy, this deceitful act can be practiced with a just a push of a button. Clearly plagiarism is wrong, however in order to avoid plagiarism you must know what exactly is, and what is considered …show more content…

When writing an essay for example, make sure to properly cite the book or website you are receiving your information from, when inserting text from an outside source into your essay, make sure to use quotation marks and avoid copying text verbatim. By doing this you can submit your assignment with a clean conscience. However, failing to honestly cite your sources is plagiarism, an act that results in sever consequences. What penalty should you expect if you decide to plagiarize? If you were to plagiarize a question for a homework assignment consequence could result in a failing grade for that assignment, however if one was to plagiarize an entire project or writing piece that is where things start to get serious. If someone were to do as just mentioned, the consequences could include expulsion and even referrals to collage judiciary boards. While, copying a question from the internet may not result in as severe consequences as compared with plagiarizing whole assignments, both in a moral sense are equally as

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