Why People Should Go To College

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Finding out if college is the best option for someone is a very hard question many people face. Just ask yourself is college something that will be beneficial or be a waste of time and money, here are the reasons why one should go to college. If one decides to go to college and graduates one will most likely have greater wealth, be less likely to be unemployed and learn social skills. To start off, a college education is crucial because people with a college education will most likely make much more than someone without a college education. “New School Year, Old Story stated” “ …$1,000 more per week than workers who only have a high school diploma” (New School Year,Old story) $1,000 per week is a lot of money, one could buy and do a …show more content…

It is a lot harder to find a good job that pays well without a college degree. According to “American School Children” “ you cannot drop out of school into a good job” (Obama 68). This example explains many jobs will not want to hire someone without and college degree and would rather hire someone with a higher level of education, this will make it very difficult for someone without a college degree to find a decent job. “5 Ways Ed Pays mentioned if one goes to college” “ ½ as likely to be unemployed” (5 Ways Ed Pays (video)). In America you are required to have a job for a lot of things. If you don't have a job you don't make money and if you don't make money then you can't buy a house, food, clothes, a car, or even schooling for your children. Without a job you can't have the essentials you need, to …show more content…

At college you have the opportunity to interact with different people. “Wadhwa” approved “ By partying students learn social skills” (Wadhwa). “Wadha” also explained “Students learn how to deal with rejection,acceptance and failure in social situations” (Wadhwa). People need to learn how to socialize, college is a perfect place for that. At college there are many different kinds of people, you can make life long friends and amazing memories. Many people say the best times of their life were at college. College is a place where not only do you receive a higher level of education but also a place where you can meet new people. College is a place where one has the opportunity to experience being rejected by someone, be accepted for who you are by other people and just make amazing friends who one will always be thankful

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