Why People Decide To Promote Whistleblowing

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The article keeping whistleblowers quiet: addressing employer agreements to discourage whistleblowing by Kathryn Hastings will be discussed in this paper. This article went over the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Protection Act, and how the object was to stop extensive deception that had become the normal with Wall Street. The Act also provided large reward’s for whistleblowers that provided valuable evidence that led to stopping illegal or unethical acts. This Act believed in defending whistleblowers from retaliation from employers, and letting them know that they did not have to stay quiet (Hastings, 2015). There are many reasons that people decide to become whistleblowers on a company. A person may know laws are being broken, or that organizations are ignoring dangerous acts. Some whistleblowers are people that investigate organizations, and inform others of the unethical acts because others are afraid to speak out. Laws have been formed throughout the years to aid in improved protection for whistleblowers, and reassure them that reporting unethical acts to the proper authorities will not result in retaliation (Hastings, 2015). …show more content…

Some whistleblowers are seen as “liberators” by the community, but colleagues and others may view them as a tattletale who is looking for attention or personal gain. Whistleblowers normally come across problems when they go public with information that may hurt their businesses. The whistleblowers try to help protect the public, but are then victimized for their actions. Most whistleblowers lives become difficult after they decide to go public with the information in spite of the laws protecting them (Hastings,

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