Why Muslims Should Never Have To Apologize For Terrorism

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It is interesting how everyone has their opinion on who terrorists can be when in reality anyone can be a terrorist. A terrorist is someone who will harm another individuals life over their beliefs. It can be anyone of any race, gender and religion. People will go to such extremes over a different religion and ideology. This topic can be arguable because people classify terrorists differently. People can be brainwashed into believing the words of another. In their eyes, they are doing the right thing but in our eyes, it is going too far and it is unneeded violence. Terrorists themselves do not see themselves as terrorists. People are not born being terrorist. They get taught into those types of beliefs and are changed from the moment they get …show more content…

This quote explains how Muslims get blamed for everything that one or a few Muslims do even though they had no involvement and they can be the victims of it too. Not all Muslims should apologize for terrorism because they have nothing to with it. The media portrays all Muslims as terrorists which is completely racist and wrong. It is like every type of terrorists is overlooked and not blamed. Even though terrorism is getting worse, people do not have to be afraid of Muslims just because they are called terrorists because other people of other race and culture are terrorists. There may be ways to be suspicious of people of being a terrorist. The ways may be if people are being over protected of their luggage because they may have weapons or bombs they can be carrying around. Checking their background history and what they brought might be another way of suspecting them because they can be buying weapons or when checking their history, they may have made some minor crimes around the world or in the country. This can be dangerous to the society. Muslims should get treated equally just like other people are being treated. If people …show more content…

KKK is the brotherhood of Klans. They are the best-known hate group. There are at least four main KKK groups that are operating today. (Wormser, 2015). The original Klan was created in 1865 in Tennessee by a group of six different Confederate army veterans. They are the oldest group in the United States. Following that, the Neo-Nazis portrayed the beliefs of Hitler, “Some neo-Nazi groups closely adhered to the ideas propounded in Hitler's Mein Kampf.” (Gale Group, 2008). This means that Hitler made a huge impact on enough people for them to start an organization like this. Neo-Nazi attacks on gay men and lesbians grew as the gay rights movement grew. These organizations show that not only Muslim organization are

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