Why Lying Is Wrong

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Lying so might say is wrong some might say is ok under certain circumstances some might also say lie to get help yourself. However a lie is the opposite of the truth it's telling someone a false hope a false truth. Many people view lying as a sin something bad however I think that people lie all the time it's something humans can't help but do. Sometimes we do it by accident or on purpose lying is makes humans were not all perfect.
Lying in many religions and cultures can be viewed as something bad that shouldn't be committed rather it shouldn't even be thought of. Some might say lying is ok under certain circumstances but you have to ask yourself when is it ok? I find that a hard question to answer which is why I look at the great philosopher socrates to answer that. When socrates was jailed he thought man should be over …show more content…

Which meant that Be a good man take a hold of your actions don't follow the rules ask questions and if you're in trouble face the consequence that you will receive. I found that interesting because when socrates was jailed his friend crito tries to free him out of jail. Instead socrates rather drink the hemlock than be a free man again he's upholding his actions by facing his consequences. I found that to be my answer to when he lying should be permissible it never is in my opinion we should face our consequences and take them for what we did. The reason as to why lying is wrong is that when you give someone a false hope a false truth they can sometimes believe that and when someone believes a false hope that make them believe anything you say no matter how many lies you tell them. People might disagree with me on lying because sometimes you might need to lie to get out of certain situations such as why wouldn't you lie to get out of homework or lie

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