Why Kids Should Start Later Essay

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In a country that is searching for answers as to why its children are not performing at top capacity, it seems fairly obvious that one of these “answers” may be found in the time at which they start their school day. A kid’s general schedule in the morning is to wake up and go to school, yet doing this as early as 5 a.m. is causing many to question why the kids have to wake up so early. The health and grades of kids are being shown to be lower due to school start times, so the problem’s best resolution is to have the times change to later. School is causing a health worry. They aren’t getting enough sleep, when they need it most to develop their brains. Going to sleep at 12:00 a.m, and waking up at 5, at earliest, makes them tired and wanting to skip for the day. They are feeling …show more content…

Teens spend a great portion of each day in school; however, they are unable to maximize the learning opportunities afforded by the education system, since sleep deprivation impairs their ability to be alert, pay attention, solve problems, and retain information. It is essential for the teens to get enough sleep in order for their brains to do all these things during the day. Teen brains are able to focus and do work easier with a longer amount of sleep as during sleep your brain prepares for what they have to face the next day. Carolyn Gregoire of Huffington Post explains that during sleep, your brain is able to do all these things that will help and improve the brain’s function. It consolidates memories, clears out toxins, makes decision, etc., yet it is unable to do these things without getting the recommended amount of 8-10 hours sleep. The times are depriving the brains of the young adults from progressing forward and becoming stronger, so even though changing school start times are unprecedented, it is

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