Why Kids Should Not Play Violent Sports

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There are many kids that get hurt when playing sports. When kids get hurt playing the sport the often have to wear a cast or could be forced to quit. Many could end up in wheelchairs. Some coaches think that they can treat kids on there team like they are in the army. Kids should not play competitive sports because there are too many injuries that could happen and most coaches think to treat them as if they are in the army.

To begin with, kids can get multiple injuries that could be there forever. For example,” He thinks someone checked him but he could not remember exactly”(Cohen 4). When the boy got his concussion he did not know if someone checked on him because his concussion knocked him out. In addition “they can develope injuries that plague them for a lifetime”(Stevenson 6). This shows that the injuries can hurt them forever. This is important because it could need surgery or a cast on the injuries. Even worse a wheelchair. …show more content…

“Kids have to sacrifice so much for sports.”(Stevenson 2). Kids can't be kids because of sports. They can't hang out with friends our simply do school work. The importance behind this is kids should be able to do other things than just sports. Also “ Coach's treat young athletes like military recruits”(Stevenson 16). Kids should not be treated like this. THey have to do so much conditioning and some of the athletes are young and can't do as much. Many sports have rough training and are treated unfair for their

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