Why It Is Important To Make Mistakes

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Discoveries are made every day, though most don’t hear about these revelations. Discoveries do not have to be big and change the way the world works, some findings are small but still mean something. Small discoveries today can lead to a better and more efficient future tomorrow. In order to make great discoveries in life you have to make mistakes, but some discoveries are not worth finding if they will cause major destruction. In almost every possible situation someone will make a mistake. These mistakes could simply be misspelling a word or it could be something that makes you start an entire project over. For example, Heinrich Schliemann, an archaeologist, was on the search for the lost city of Troy. Schliemann ran into another archaeologist , Frank Calvert,who owned property where the lost city of troy was believed to have been founded. Calvert didn’t have money to dig or discover so Schliemann agreed to fund the project and share in the work. Little did Schliemann know …show more content…

Mistakes are key in discovering processes, without mistakes people would never discover or learn anything more about their mistakes. People can’t be perfect, everyone makes mistakes and some greater than others. The key to mistakes is that you have to learn from them, and become better. For instance, a young man, Percy Spencer, who was self-taught in his work made a discovery that changed the way food could be cooked . Throughout his life Spencer would invent and learn in his career. Spencer came upon the possibility of a microwave because he was standing by a product called a magnetron. A magnetron gave off a lot of heat and when Spencer looked down he noticed that his chocolate bar had melted completely. Spencer began to experiment and by putting popcorn kernels by the machine and they ended up popping into popcorn. Twenty years and a lot of mistakes later Spencer created the perfect microwave for people to

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