Why Is Too Much Homework Bad For Students

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Homework is good for all students. Too much homework is bad for a student. Although it is good, there are many reasons why it can be bad when it is given in excessive amounts. The rate of high-school graduates is at its peak, but it can come with some other problems as well as its benefits.

Too much homework can be very hard on students with many activities after school. Many students that play sports either have to wake up early in the morning or practice for about two to five hours in the afternoon. This can make it very hard for them to complete all the homework given to them. If they are tired after those hours of practice. Some students may have some learning groups after school which make them focus for an hour or two a day. Many students are expected to be able to do all their homework and finish their after school activities which can be tough on them. These activities can make it hard for students to sleep for the recommended amount of time they should have, especially at younger ages.

Although it is true that homework can help students learn and can reinforce studied material, a study by Stanford Graduate School of Education found that doing more than three hours per night of …show more content…

Students are recommended to have an extra ten minutes of homework per grade level which would be two hours of homework for graduating high school students, but most middle schoolers have around three or four hours of homework. Most younger kids spend a lot of time on homework, without much time to do any other activities that they should be doing like reading other books, playing outside, or playing with friends. It can have a bad effect on them when they are stressed at a young age. It has also caused some kids to think that learning is just doing hard work, making them hate learning. That is why too much homework is bad for a

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