Why Is Temporary Happiness Important In The Great Gatsby

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In the year 2017, I believe the most relevant message we as a society need to hear is to not let temporary happiness interfere with our overall life goals. Today there are so many insignificant events that we allow to run and shape our entire existence. As a population we are driven by temporary desires; ones of wealth, lust, love, popularity, beauty, and many other shallow traits we view as important. Through these temporary outpourings of happiness we loose track of our overall life goals. As portrayed in The Great Gatsby, we gain insight about how these temporary reliefs, can cause our utmost downfall. Exemplified by Jay Gatsby himself, we view first hand how lust, wealth, and love can cause our life to be majorly drawn off course. We witness how Gatsby’s lust over Daisy costs him his entire life, not only in death but in the alteration of his lifestyle. …show more content…

I believe we need to learn from our mistakes, as demonstrated by Gatsby, and apply this lesson to our current generation. Living in the 21st century, we need to take control of our lives and not let other people interfere in the achievement of our personal goals. I believe we as a world should unite in independence of the fraudulent escapes; such as drugs, alcohol, sex, and love; and truly focus on obtaining a life worth living. If we as a society continue to let these immature decisions take priority over our actions, we will end up digging ourself into an eternal habit of wasting away our limited time on earth. Instead, we should learn from our history and apply our mistakes into bettering our future. We need to learn how to live for ourselves and not for the enjoyment and desire of

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