Why Is Standardized Testing Necessary

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Do you remember what it was like when you were in school? Did you see the flaw in the education system? Our school system today has very many flaws that have been spoken out about. One big topic that has had a lot of controversy is if standardized testing is necessary. Standardized testing does not measure a person's genius.
Three factors contribute to how successful the test taker does on the test: the teacher, the student's native ability, and the home learning. “ The pressure is so great that a growing number of administrators and teachers have engaged in various kinds of cheating to boost scores.”
(FairTest). Standardized testing not only tests the students, but also the teachers' ability to teach the students, which always isn’t fair to the teacher because students cannot be used reliably to judge educators. The test holds teachers and administrators accountable so they are forced to teach to the required information for the standardized tests, also known as “teaching to the test”.
Also, some students have test anxiety which causes them to do poorly. It also doesn’t help that the test …show more content…

Stricter standards and increased testing are better preparing students for college, which is definitely an advantage. Also, physicians, lawyers, pilots, and jobs as such, all take standardized test to ensure they have the necessary knowledge of their professions, which I can agree that it is a good idea. Even though I believe standardized test cause much stress to the teachers, others believe it is a guidance for teachers to determine what they should be teaching the students. The test also allows students located in various schools, districts, and even states to be compared and approved by parents because it gives parents a good idea of how their children are doing compared to students across the country and

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