Why Is Psychology A Fake Science?

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Psychology is best defined as the study of mental activity and behaviour, focusing on specific areas such as, human development and behaviour, and the mind. A pseudoscience, however, is a sort of ‘fake science’, which is a compilation of beliefs that are incorrectly regarded as being scientific, or of the scientific method. Someone may claim a concept, or idea is factual, however, they actually don’t have any scientific evidence/data (evidence that is not collected through observation and experimentation) to prove their belief. This is then identified as a ‘pseudoscience.’ The scientific method is used when scientists want to carry out research through collecting measurable evidence to support their hypothesis, this is done through observation, experiments and evidence to support their theory.
Psychology requires research through experiments and reports, to which are tested …show more content…

Psychology practices also use the Scientific Method as a fundamental in collecting research. Scientists who will test a theory, will go through the method of testing their hypothesis and conducting a measurable experiment to record and analyse results that conclude if their hypothesis was correct or not. Pseudoscience, however, doesn’t record the same principles as psychology. Karl Popper, a recognisably important philosopher of science, made a distinction between science and a ‘non-science’, which relates to the term, ‘demarcation.’ Scientists conduct experiments in order to collect reliable results that confirm or disprove their hypothesis, while philosophers, such as Popper, are interested in the validity of the factors leading to the experimenter’s scientific results. Popper discovered the theory of ‘falsification’, meaning a hypothesis must be able to be disproven in order for the theory to be claimed as scientific. This allows for scientists to look at other aspects that may disprove their hypothesis in order to allow it to be certifiable. Psychology also includes

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