Why Is Patriotism Important

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Imagine this, George Washington strolls into the Constitutional Convention half an hour late. He reaches into his bag and pulls out a coffee stained paper that reads “U.S. Constitution” on the front. This is both a comical and disturbing view of how the writing of The Constitution could have gone if the Founding Fathers had no sense of patriotism. Patriotism is a strong sense of pride or admiration for one’s country. More than that though it is a love for the beliefs and principals of the country. In the United States, we are taught to be silent during the national anthem before we are taught to tie our own shoes. This is because families typically put so much time into teaching their children the basics of patriotism. Patriotism is important because it gives the people of the nation a sense of pride in who …show more content…

Growing up, I had to undergo Patriotism 101 like most young American children. My father taught me to honor the troops, stand for the pledge with my hand held firmly over my heart, and sing my heart out to the national anthem. That being said, my father is now and always be will the first person to curse the president or other power politicians. I am much more patriotic than me father, but he did teach me to pay attention to the politics of the country. It is possible to love the principals of a country without loving the president. Now that I am older and can better comprehend what is going on around me I have noticed why my dad is so upset with the country. He hates that America has beautiful principals that will be tossed to the curb because of the hatred and bigotry of other. I would say that on the topic of patriotism my dad taught me two important concepts, love the principals of the country and question those in power who attempt to contradict

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