Why Is Muhammad Important

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The reason why Muhammad Is important because he is a founder of the religion of Islam. He soon began going on journeys around Arabia influencing people to become Muslim. He expanding his belief all over the Arabian peninsula. Towards the end of his life, he had created an empire. Muhammed was born in 570 C.E in Makkah. Following customs, Muhammad's mother sent him to live with a nomad family in the desert when he was a baby. At the age of 6 Muhammad returned to the city. However his mother soon died, Muhammad then became an orphan. Muhammad was then sent to live with relatives. When he was 12, he accompanied his uncle on a trading journey. As he grew up, Muhammad became a trader himself doing more journeys. While Muhammad began managing caravan for a widow named Khagid he fell in love with here, proposed marriage. At the age of 25, he married her and had a couple of children.

In about 610 C.E. Muhammad went to pray in a cave in the mountains. It was there that he received the call to be a prophet or the messenger of Allah. Muhammad later told people about this visit from the angel, Gabriel. Gabriel continued revealing messages from God over the next 22 years. At first, Muhammad would only tell these messages to his family members. Over the years a small group developed at …show more content…

Muhammad began to preach to other Makkans, which influenced some to become Muslims. Most Makkans, however, rejected Muhammad's ideas and teachings. They did not want to share their wealth. They were afraid that if Muhammad grew stronger, he would seize political power. So the clan of Makkah started a boycott to make Muhammad’s followers give up Islam. The Hashim clan suffered as the makkans refused to do business with them. However, the boycott did not break their will. The Qur’an tells a story of the Night Journey, a winged horse took Muhammad to Jerusalem who then prayed with Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Then Muhammad was brought to the seven levels of heaven, where he met

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