Why Is Martin Luther King Necessary

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According to Martin Luther King Jr., “Any law that uplifts human personality is just. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust (King, 1963).” King was the leader of the nonviolent resistance and this quote is from the “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” Rebellion against the government should be necessary because it could help the rest of the people, motivate the government and the people, or lastly, what it means to be rebellious. First, a rebellion could help people by telling them what other people think and that they do not have to be afraid to speak out the truth. It could benefit the nation by knowing what others think. John Proctor said in The Crucible, “Spoke or silent, a promise is surely made (Miller, 61).” He is saying that if you either speak your word or stay silent, you can still rebel against what the community or government says. If you want to speak your word do it, no one is going to stop you. Just be you and do not be like everyone that does not want to be apart of anything. Another quote from The Crucible said by Danforth was, “You must understand, sir, that a person is either with this court or he must be counted …show more content…

The reason is that people do not want to be controlled all the time and people who rebel against the government want their independence. Tony Warren wrote that, “It is to be anti or opposed to government rule in the sense that we refuse to obey the laws laid down by the governing bodies (Warren)”. What he is saying is that you can call yourself an anti-government person or that you are oppressed to what the government does and rule. Another quote by him is “The definition of rebellion in this context is the disobedience against a lawful authority (Warren)”. Rebelling is like going against the government and they say to do or go by. Also disliking what the government does. So that when they rebel against the government, they have a reason to do

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