Why Is King Domino Xiv Important In The Spanish Civil War

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King Alfonso XIII was a major cause in starting the Spanish Civil War, he did this through inadequate leadership and failure to keep International affairs align. Alfonso XIII was born in Madrid, Spain, on May 17, 1886; He had many autocratic views and continued that into his time of being King. He disliked all Liberals and made it a point to make sure that they did not of much of a voice in Spain. Before becoming King he was condemned for ordering an assasination of a major Liberal leader; so from the beginning Alfonso was a very drastic person who did not put much thought into decisions. King Alfonso XIII aided in the start of the Spanish civil war through being an inadequate leader. King Alfonso XIII never thought about what his people wanted when making big decisions for the country Jim Simkin writes “ Alfonso gave his support to Rivera's military dictatorship… When the Spanish people voted overwhelmingly for a republic, Alfonso was advised that the only way to avoid large-scale violence was to go into exile”. …show more content…

Through this decision the people of Spain already had anger and spite towards their king. King Alfonso XIII was also exiled and banished from Spain many times because of the controversial thing he would do. Hoh writes “Alfonso had abdicated the throne and had come to France to live in exile. The former king saw, to his surprise, that the citizens of Paris had turned out to give him the kind of welcome”. Hoh is saying one of the tiem Alfonso was exiled and he was welcomed with love which even shocked him because he is not a major hero, for this reason the people of spain had much anger for Alfonso, but is starting to latch on to the people of France and the love they showed him in his arrival. King Alfonso XIII was horrible to his people he left many of them illiterate and did not care about their well being or their thoughts and for this he was exiled many times; these added up for the people and continued them to a breaking

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