Why Is It Important To Spank Your Kids

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In today society children are becoming more and more disrespectful. Most parents do their best to make their child understand what acceptable behavior is and what is not. When a parents spanks a child, he or she should then realize they have made a mistake and know not to do it again. Children aren’t born knowing what is right or wrong, so as a good parents we must set boundaries for our children. However, spanking your child is not a good way to teach your children, instead we should set limits for them and giving them positive praise is more affective. Discipline is not just about giving kid’s consequences. Instead, it ensure children are gaining the skills they need to become responsible adults. Setting limits with kids means setting a guideline for behavior. Even when there’s not an official household rule. Since you can’t set a rule for everything, limits are those spur of the moment guideline that are situational. Limits are good for kids. It teaches them appropriate behavior and give them opportunities to sharpen some of their skills. Children need attention, plain and simple. If we don’t keep that attention basket full with positive attention kids will seek out any attention they can get. Even negative attention. They will push our …show more content…

Now it has been becoming the method that is being used by most doctors and many parents. The type of discipline parent’s use is entirely up to them. However, this points is not important because spanking might actually more harm than good. Meaning spanking will not correct the problem that the child has, but only make them worse. In some countries around the globe is illegal to spank their child. Spanking is likely to increase the child’s stubbornness and therefore, lead to more spanking needed in future to make the child pay attention to corporal punishment and to cause the desired

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