Why Is It Important To Have An ACE

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1. Adverse Childhood Experience or ACEs effects children in many ways. Children who have a ACEs have a higher risk for health problems. Health problems include a low immune system, a change in the hormonal system, brain development problems, heart disease, and lung cancer. According to the study most people questioned had experienced one ACE. As the number of ACEs experienced by one child increase the health problems also increase. By recognizing this correlation between ACEs and health problems, changes can be made to improve the health of children. As social workers, we can help make a difference by identifying children who have experienced ACEs, and help them receive the help needed. Social workers can educate and inform parents, teachers, and caregivers about the risk factors children who have experienced ACEs face. Lastly, social workers can develop prevention methods to place in schools and childcare facilities.
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I believe child molestation is one of the worst crimes to commit. The crime effects children mentally and physically. Child molesters should be punished for their crimes. However, I also believed they should be treated and educated. According to the Child Molestation Research and Prevention Institute, child molesters may have mental problems or personality disorders. In these cases, the person who committed the crime should serve their sentence while being treated. After the court given sentence is served, the caseworkers should decide if the child molester is ready to re-enter the community. If the caseworker approves the release, then they should be released back into society with restrictions. If the caseworker believes that the person has not changed, then the child molester should stay in a correctional

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