Why Is Family Therapy Important?

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Introduction Substance use affects not only the individual who is using but the whole family unit. The family can be an important key factor in an individual's life when they choose to seek treatment. The family can help the individual who is addicted or they can negatively contribute to them relapsing. Family therapy is treatment that can reduce substance use and improve the family dynamics in a household. Brief Strategic Family Therapy is a common therapy used to treat substance use in families. This paper will explain why family therapy is important. It will also explain what Brief Strategic Family Therapy is and the process that families go through in it. Why is Family Therapy Important? Over 20 million of the 12 to 25 year olds in the …show more content…

Substance use does not only affect the individual with the problem but the whole family unit. Family therapy is treatment that can reduce substance use and improve the family dynamics in a household (Szapocznik, 2013). BSFT is a type of psychotherapy. It is a evidence based practice that works to reduce drug use, behavioral problems, and strengthen the family unit. The main goal of psychotherapy is change. When an individual has a problem with substance use, the actions of that individual impact those close to them. The family starts to suffer along with the individual. Family therapy is a way for the entire family to heal together and work on their problems together. Brief Strategic Family Therapy can be effective only when the family is willing to come in and work together to overcome their …show more content…

The family has influence on how the dependent which in this case is the adolescent behaves, thinks, feels, etc. The effectiveness of the therapy relies on the effort of the family to work together. Usually, the family comes into therapy blaming the dependent for his or her actions and fail to realize that the home environment is contributing to it. This can lead to the dependent feeling worthless and creating more problems in the family. Family therapy changes the family dynamic by creating rules and boundaries in the house. The therapist creates interventions for the family during therapy to work on these issues (Szapocznik,

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