Why Is Donald Trump Unethical

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While Donald Trump is a billion dollar business tycoon and he's known for his shrewd dealings as a real estate mogul, he still wants to run for President of the United States. The mogul has popularity among the rich and famous for his business-style leadership and will use this to his advantage to gain votes and supporters. In my opinion, Donald Trump is a confrontational and brazen individual. He seems to treat his candidacy with the same unethical attitude that is used in his line of business.

Because Donald Trump wanted to become a Presidential Candidate to shake up America and our way of choosing a Commander in Chief he has taken the focus off of other candidates. To me, he has done just that. In turn, he has also showcased a lot of his ignorant behavior and poor attitudes towards others. Eventually, this will affect how America votes; against Donald Trump. Furthermore, Donald Trump lacks a Presidential form of social interaction. This candidate appears to be impatient when others challenge his position on facts versus his opinions. When he dislikes someone politically or personally, Trump uses his popular attack-mode tactics to make his point. Repeatedly Donald Trump fails to be intellectually stimulating as a Presidential Candidate. Often he has a habit of stating his offensive …show more content…

Repeatedly Donald Trump is witnessed at the Grand Old Party Debates, press conferences and even during his Tweet expressions, displaying the very demeanor that is disturbing to many voters. As stated by columnist John Hawkins and on the Blog Website townhall.com, he characterizes the following comments as Donald Trump's best quotes. "I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct. I've been challenged by so many people, and I don't frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn't have time either." (Hawkins, 2015, para.

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