Why Is College Important To You Essay

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In a few years, you might be on your way out of high school and on your way to college. It may not seem like it right now, but every college is every much important to you. Through the years, many people have declared college was just a waste of time and money. But many more people have done research and actually pronounce college to be ever much needed in you for multiple reason. So, by going to college could be right for us considering that it can bring us many values. So much value that you couldn’t have it without college being here. (First Paragraph) Once out of college, you can use the values that were given to you and use them outside of education. Just like former President said in America’s Schoolchildren article, “No matter what you want to do with your life, I guarantee that you’ll need an education in it.” You want to be a doctor, a police officer, a firefighter, or a member of military? All of those jobs require you to get a good education in college. Just having a high school diploma won’t cut it if you want the best jobs that is out there. [Add more) …show more content…

In his article he says that, “While college students sometimes still gain marketable skills from partial attendance, others ends taking jobs that are often to high school graduates, making little more money but having college debts and some lost earning accrued while unsuccessfully pursing a degree.” Vedder is implying that college is wasted when there is so much debt you must pay once in college. But the values of college will continue as the debts that will be in college will be gone when you realize the average pay a person could have with the college values they have. In “New school year, old story: Education pays” it shows a chart show that the more you educate yourself in college the more money you could possible make. [Add

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