Why Is Citizens Safety More Important Than Privacy

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Is a Citizens Safety More Important than Privacy? In the modern era technological breakthroughs have shaped how we socialize with one another, do school work, and even cook. This is a great thing for many people as they can easily access information about anyone or anything that they want to know about. However, since the 9/11 attacks the Government has been able to help foil many potential terrorist attacks by using the information that you store online. Many people believe that having the Government being able to access that information is wrong, although in order to help protect the general public, law agencies must be able to access this as; the information on the internet is stored online which makes it not your private information and …show more content…

However many people believe that what you search up on the internet is your private information. This is not the case as everything you do is shared, as shown in an article by Daniel Zwerdling, where he states that “When I send an Email, I’ve shared it with the internet provider, When I search the Web, I’ve shared it with the internet provider, and When I walk around with my cellphone, I’m sharing with the cell phone company my whereabouts.” (source 2), and since you have shared this information you cannot claim the information private. In the 1960s and 1970s, this issue of what is private and what is not was a major topic in the judicial world. The Supreme Court and many other courts ruled that the government does not need a search warrant to obtain your personal documents if you have shared them with someone else. In addition to this, according to the same article, “The police can get your private files from corporations that store their records on their computers.” (Source 2) which allows the police to easily receive this information as it is not private since it was shared with that major

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