Why Is Certainty Important

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Certainty and doubt ultimately go hand and hand. When there is certainty there is always a bit of doubt; and when there is doubt there is always a bit of certainty. Certainty ultimately sets us up for success. If we go into a situation with a confident and certain mindset, the outcome will almost always be success. If we go into a situation with multiple doubts and an overall negative attitude the outcome will almost always be failure, it is a simple mind over matter process. Without doubt there would be no certainty; and without certainty there would be no doubt. Doubt in many ways can be a comfort. Doubt is what allows us to question and challenge those certainties. Without doubt our society would be a lie in which we would discourage the creativity of new ideas. Certainty is a safety blanket which hids the possible truths underneath. One cannot fully rely on certainty because nothing is ever truly certain. Doubt has allowed for our society to become what it is today. Without doubt we would not have made the discoveries in which we could not live without today. Ideas that seemed so ludicrous at one time, have now been proven to be possible. Sending men into space and landing on the moon; both luticros concepts then, are now realities that have been proven to be certainly …show more content…

Without the process of trial and error there would be no proof; and without proof there would not be certainty. The idea of certainty ultimately gives individuals a safe feeling. Certainty allows for more credibility and a higher rate of success. Certainty gives individuals great confidence. With a confident and certain mindset we are already set up for success in certain situations. For example, if I prepare for a test in one of my classes and am certain that I will do well; I will have more confidence and actually perform better on the test because I was in the right

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