Why Is Anne Frank Important During The Holocaust

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During the holocaust many woman showed fortitude. One in particular helped one of the most known woman today, Anne Frank. Miep Gies is a woman known for her modesty and courage acts during the holocaust. Miep Gies was born February 15, 1909 in Vienna, Austria. Her parent sent her to the Netherlands, she later married a man name Jan Gies. Miep got a job at Otto Frank’s Opekta Company. She worked as his secretary with three other employees: Johannes Kleiman, Bep Voskuijl, and Victor Kugler. In 1940, the Netherlands was invaded by the Nazis. Mr. Frank was no longer able to run his business because he was Jewish. He gave his company to his colleagues who continued to run his business. In 1942 Mr. Frank oldest daughter Margot Frank was ordered to go to a work camp. Otto decided to go into Hiding with his family and four other friends. They hid in an attic apartment above once Mr. Frank business. Prior to going into hiding Mr. Frank asked his employees for help. Without hesitation Miep agreed, she helped gather …show more content…

They were all sent away to working camps. Kleiman and Kulger were also arrested for helping hide the Family. Luckily, Miep and Bep weren’t arrested. Miep found Mr. Frank’s daughter Anne’s diary. She put it away in hopes they would return one day. Unfortunately, Only Mr. Frank returns. As for Mr. Frank’s daughter Margot and Anne, they were killed in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Miep later returns Anne’s diary to her father Otto Frank. Mr. Frank later decides to publish Anne’s Diary. Which sold millions of copies. Miep gies is truly a remarkable person. She helped people when they needed it the most. She risked her life everyday gathering things needed. I also feel it is amazing that her husband helped out also. In Miep’s later years she helped out in the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. She died on January 11, 2010 at the age of 100. Miep never referred to herself as a

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