Why Is Animal Testing Wrong

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I think that animal testing is wrong because then it is cruel to the animals. The animals endure a lot of pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm. It is causing a lot of extinction to so certain animals. There is 62% of licenses granted by the government allowed animals to be subjected to moderate or severe suffering. They also are exposed animals to radiation in animals to potentially harmful substances.
The animals end up dead sometimes or very ill. Most animals are mice and rats, monkeys, rabbits, frogs. They get injected with Draize. Draize is eye irritancy tests on the animals. They put it in their eye and after a certain amount of time they kill they think that animal testing is wrong because then it is cruel to the animals.
The animals …show more content…

There are up to 90% of animals used in the
U.S. labs are not counted official statistics of animal tested. They involve killing pregnant animals and testing their fetuses. More than 105,000 primates are kept in U.S. laboratories every year. Babies born in labs are torn from their mothers’ arms, often when they are only a few days old, and never got to feel the warmth of the sun on their faces or climb trees as they would in the wild. They take out the insides and dissect them to see what happened to the animals while they had the Draize in them. Animals like monkeys who aren’t born in labs are stolen from their families in the wild. Terrified and confused, they’re packed into tiny crates and placed in the cargo holds of passenger airplanes and flown overseas, where they’ll spend the rest of their lives being experimented with, including having tubes shoved up their noses, down their throats, and into their stomachs. In labs, monkeys are kept in small cages where they sit alone and mourn the loss of their family and friends. They are prisoners with barely enough room to move or lie down comfortably. If they are lucky, they will be given a plastic toy or a slice of apple("Animals Used for Experiments | Animal Facts." PETA Kids. N.p., 2017. Web. 9 May 2017)ey are lucky, they will be given a plastic toy or a slice of apple("Animals Used for Experiments | Animal Facts." PETA Kids. N.p., 2017. Web. 9 May

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