Why Is Ambition Important

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Ambition is a force that has driven mankind for thousands of years. Every person has experienced it in their lifetime and can remember how it pushed them to achieve a goal. One can attribute many of the most famous events in history, good and bad, to it’s influence. Because ambition’s effects are so widespread and have had such an impact on the world, it is safe to say that it has shaped the way that we live our lives today. Ambition has pushed and still pushes people from all walks of life to achieve goals that can be uplifting, awe-inspiring and amazing. Often a single group of people or even a single person’s ambition can inspire others to do great things. A great example of this was when President John F. Kennedy declared in a speech In fact some of the most cruel tyrants to ever live had ambition as a force that drove them. The infamous Adolf Hitler had ambition to make Nazi Germany the most powerful nation on Earth. That ambition along with his radical ideas and prejudices made him a dangerous man. After he had gained control of Germany he and his Nazi cronies started a reign of terror throughout Germany. The worst of this was the treatment of Jews. After Hitler became chancellor of Germany in 1933 Jews were almost immediately persecuted. At first the discrimination was mostly non-violent but starting in about 1938 the Nazis were violently persecuting in a widespread manner. This lead to the Holocaust which could be viewed as the the worst genocide in modern history. Ambition drove him to madness and his eventuel demise. Ambition is a motivator that has had profound effects throughout human history. These effects have been both good and evil, have led to progress and have been detrimental to society. What truly matters is the moral make-up of those who are driven by ambition and if they use their initiative for the betterment or the detriment of their fellow

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