Why I Want to be a Teacher

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Why I Want to be a Teacher

Like most people, I have a hard time thinking of one sole reason why I have chosen to become a teacher. There are so many rewards and benefits to the teaching profession that choosing one reason would be extremely hard if not impossible. Because of my family background and my past teachers I can not think of a better way to spend the rest of my life than being a teacher.

I was born into a family of four children with two teachers as my parents. Throughout my younger years my mother took a few years off work and stayed home with my siblings and I while my father continued his job as the librarian at the local high school. Once we were all a bit older my mother went back to work while we were in various grades of elementary school. My mother was the special education teacher at one of the two elementary schools in the county while my father had many jobs including English teacher, Librarian, Drama teacher, Assistant Principal, and Athletic Director at the high school. I grew to love having my parents at home on the same day my siblings and I were home. My parents never had to ask for holidays off or hire a babysitter to watch us over the summer, because they were teachers and were usually off the same days we were out of school. Though our material possessions probably did not measure up to those of a doctor or lawyer we were one of those lucky families who actually got to celebrate Christmas together on Christmas day and got to sit down and eat a Thanksgiving turkey with our whole family. The more I knew about what my parents did the more I admired them and wanted to be just like them.

Once my siblings and I were older my father decided to take on a twelve month contract as the libra...

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...teachers, and other students have helped me realize that my destiny is to become a teacher. My whole life I have been surrounded by teachers and the teaching lifestyle. Knowing that it is possible that someone may look up to me someday the way I looked up to my teachers helps me know that teaching is what I really want to do. I am very thankful for the great teachers I had over the years who only fueled my desire to stay focused on my dream. Teachers may not get the best salary and may not be considered one of the most challenging professions around, but I do not know of a more perfect and rewarding profession for me. I consider myself lucky that I get the chance to be a part of such a special group of people, and feel fortunate that I get to spend my life doing something I love. I want to be looked at with respect and be considered special. I want to be a teacher.

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