Why I Want To Reenlist Essay

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Reenlist “These are the times that try men’s souls.” is what Thomas Paine said to encourage us all to stay. Why not fight ‘till death for freedom from Britain in my eyes. I’m a Revolutionary War Patriot soldier at Camp Forge in Valley Forge and it’s December 23,1777 and General Washington has asked of us to consider reenlisting on March 1st he asked us if we want to reenlist for the freedom of America. Do I want to really quit? I have decided to reenlist for three reasons which are that General Washington needs me, General Washington is working on getting supplies from the Continental Congress, and because reenlisting would be to keep going for the better of America.
For the Continental Army, the first two years of the revolution have not gone so well. Ever since General Washington took command we had withdraw from Boston and retreated to New York City. We were unable to stop the British in October 1777 when General Howe’s army settled in Philadelphia. With Howe’s army of 18,000 soldiers in Philadelphia, Washington, General Washington decided to build a winter camp at Valley Forge 18 miles from Philadelphia with 16’ by 14’ huts containing 12 men and there are no beds. General Washington is now having trouble keeping the men together with their terms ending and men dying. I am one of the few men who’s lucky to still be alive which is why I’ve …show more content…

I’ve seen the General Washington talking to the Congressional Committee and then showing them the conditions at Valley Forge. I saw one man taking notes making me hopeful of getting supplies soon enough to last us through the winter. The Committee of five stayed several weeks in getting more food and clothing for the soldiers. This is a good reason to stay. This reason causes me to reenlist because I believe those supplies will help last us through the winter. Many men complain about lack of shoes but 80% of the men have shoes.(Doc

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