Why I Want To Be An Immigrant Essay

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I will never ever forget May 14th, 2012 when my husband and I left our lovely relatives, nice home, and good jobs with high salaries and moved to Canada with our eleven-month old daughter. Although I had waited for that time to start a new life in Canada, I wasn’t happy or sad. It was a strange feeling that I hadn’t had before. My mom knew this feeling as well. She proved her love for me at that time by crying silently in private. She controlled her crying up to the good bye time. She understood, and let me to follow my dreams and leave her, after living close by her until that time. In the airplane, I remembered the day that I decided to visit Niagara Falls and the Louvre Museum before exploring the other places in the world when I was a child. I did these things, and I could visit …show more content…

I chose Canada as a new home because of its multicultural features that made it the best place for someone like me who likes to learn about different cultures, languages, and who believes in multicultural diversity. It would also allow me to see other cultures without being able to explore all the amazing countries in the world. It was a beautiful childhood dream but when I grew up, it was just one of my reasons to become an immigrant. My people have had many political and religious problems, especially after revolutions, just because they live in the Middle East. Once we had gotten the visa, the Iranian currency rate went down a lot because of some new sanctions. This caused us many problems in order to prepare enough money and make a good budget for our new lives in a new place. My immigration problems started before moving. After a long time, we arrived in Fredericton in New Brunswick and went to a small suite which we had rented for the first month. It was expensive for us but we had no choice. We needed time to get to know the city well enough to rent a yearly apartment and get home furnishings. We were exhausted and feeling

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