Why I Want To Be An Athletic Trainer

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Athletic trainers are certified and licensed health care professionals who practice in the field of sports medicine. There are many skills needed to be successful in this job. I would specifically like to talk about passion, decision making, and interpersonal skills. First, I would like to talk about passion. When being an athletic trainer not only do you have to have passion in sports but a passion to help other people. It probably goes without saying, but a passion for sports, athletic endeavors in general, quality health, and people is something you'll need to posses and embody in order to get the job you're gunning for The top qualities teams want in an athletic trainer. Athletic trainers care about the well-being of others and want to show athletes how to avoid injuries at all possible cause. A passion for sports is another reason an individual chooses a career an as athletic trainer, which combines the pleasure of having a professional job in sports and working closely with often admired athletes Good reasons for becoming an athletic trainer. Passion is contagious. When being around someone with so much passion for their job, it is impossible to ignore. …show more content…

As an athletic trainer decision making is one of the toughest skills in this career. Quick thinking by athletic trainers may be a difference between a small injury and a career-ending injury Athletic trainer job description. When making decisions it is very important to keep in mind every detail that corresponds with an injury. Athletes are capable of injury at anytime, it is important to be prepared for any type of injury. When it comes to decision making an athletes career is in the hands of an athletic training and the wrong decision could be career-ending for an

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