Why I Hate School Research

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“I hate school” is something many students think when waking up in the morning, doing homework, or sitting in class. Some people think that students and their negative mindset are the cause for the failing educational system. Others think the system itself fails to properly educate each student based on their needs. In this essay I will discuss how both students and the educational system are failing each other by teaching pointless classes, teaching student how to test, and student lack of motivation In elementary school, most kids enjoy learning and going to school because of the topics and the style of teaching, but as the advance and become high school and college student they lose this interest in learning altogether. This is because schools don’t teach skills that will benefit them in real life (not including the core subjects). Thing such as learning how to file taxes, what a mortgage is, and how to buy a car are things students should be …show more content…

Teachers only teach the material until the test and move on to the next subject after. By putting pressure on students to pass the next test or “the big test” at the end of the year they cause student to have underdeveloped skills. This causes students to memorize the material long enough to take the test and forget most of it right after. The system prevents them from developing skills they need in college and the work force. Some of these are basic math, grammar or typing a well written essay. It also benefits students that excel in these subjects more because they are able to learn the material faster and leaves behind students that are struggling because the fail to learn the material before the test. Struggling students will not only forget what material they learn faster because of their lack of understanding, but will struggle more that the average person in college and the work force because they didn’t properly develop these skills in high

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